Adaptive Error Protection Coding for Wireless Transmission of Motion JPEG 2000 Video

Giuseppe Baruffa, Fabrizio Frescura

Abstract — The delivery of video over wireless, error-prone, transmission channels requires careful allocation of channel and source code rates, given the available bandwidth. In this paper, we present a theoretical framework to find an optimal joint channel and source code rate allocation, by considering an Intra-coded video compression standard such as Motion JPEG 2000 and a memoryless, error-prone wireless transmission channel. Lagrangian optimization is used to find the optimal code rate allocation, from a PSNR perspective, starting from commonly available source coding outputs, such as intermediate rate-distortion traces. The algorithm is simple and adaptive both in the available bandwidth and on the transmission channel conditions, and it has a low computational complexity. Simulation results, using Reed-Solomon coding, show that the achieved performance, in terms of PSNR and MSSIM, is comparable with that of other methods reported in literature. In addition, a simplified and sub-optimal expression for determining the channel code assignment is also provided.

This companion webpage contains supplementary material for the paper

submitted for publication.

Video sequences

The following video clips can be opened and played using PYUV. Clips corresponding to the same simulated parameters, can be opened and compared in parallel using the Synch option of PYUV.

PYUV synch

Original video clip

This is the original video clip, in YUV 4:2:0 format, composed of 512 frames.

Decompressed Equal Error Protection (EEP) video clips

The following clips are in grayscale (B/W) colorspace, decompressed after transmission on an error prone channel, with the indicated Symbol Error Rate (SER).



Decompressed Unequal Error Protection (UEP) video clips

The following clips are in grayscale (B/W) colorspace, decompressed after transmission on an error prone channel, with the indicated Symbol Error Rate (SER).



MATLAB files

The following .MAT files contain the results of the simulation described in sec. V-B.

The variables in the MAT file are:

MAT variables

The matrixes contain the per-frame results along the rows, and different SER along the columns.

The simulated SER is contained in the array P_serr_list2. The measured BER and SER are in BER_avg_list and SER_avg_list. The MSE and MSSIM are in mse_avg_min_list and mssim_avg_list.

The PSNR/MSSIM history can be plotted with

plot(0:511, 10.*log10(1./mse_avg_min_list(:,6)), 'b')

The PSNR vs. SER/BER can be plotted with

plot(mean(BER_avg_list), 10.*log10(1.0./(mean(((mse_avg_min_list))))),'bs-')

The CDF of the MSE can be obtained with

O = 10 .^ (-4:0.04:0);
[C, x] = hist(mse_avg_min_list(:, 4), O);
C = C ./ sum(C);
C = cumsum(C);
semilogx(x, C, '-bs')

Page last modified: June 4th, 2015