I am currently a Full Professor at the

Engineering Department (DI) - University of Perugia - Italy

Via G. Duranti, 93 - 06128 - Perugia - Italy

You can find herein some info about me, my job, and all the stuff I will have the time to put in. 

This page has been created in 2001, as you will immediately realize from the old .html technology. Sooner or (more probably) later, I should upgrade it ;)







+ 39 -075-585 3626

+ 39 -075-585 3654

paolo.banelli (at) unipg.it




o Scores of the Written test of Teoria dei Segnali  (September, 13th, 2023)


Quick links for students

Available Laurea Theses (Tesi Disponibili)

Exam Scores  and Exam Solutions

TDSEAS, and TFA notes (dispense)

Students' Mailing Lists for TDS, EAS and TFA classes

Register to Exams: SOL-Ateneo  (Only for Back-UP: Iscriweb)

Statistics  of the exam scores

Students' Scores of Classes quality

Solutions of some exercises for the Class of Signal Theory